qualified disclaimer estate planning

Flexible Estate Plans

Qualified Disclaimers: Flexible Estate Plans A Flexible Estate Plan allows decisions to be made in the future when more is known. Qualified Disclaimer Estate Planning is flexible and tax-efficient. Pay attention if you have beneficiary forms that control how assets pass […]

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HSA and Medicare Penalty

What is the HSA and Medicare Penalty?

HSA and Medicare Penalty: the HSA Medicare 6-Month Rule What is the HSA and Medicare Penalty? Did you know that Medicare enrollment impacts your ability to make HSA contributions? That is, you cannot make any HSA contributions when you are […]

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QHFD: Using IRA to fund HSA

QHFD: Qualified HSA Funding Distribution QHFD (Qualified HSA Funding Distribution). What a fun term. If you are less than 59 years old and have an HSA, consider funding it with your IRA. Especially if an inherited IRA or there is basis […]

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  Echoism – The Opposite of NPD     Echoism is the so-called opposite of narcissism. As we know, narcissistic traits are common and frequently adaptive (or healthy). Only when you get far out on the scale, do the traits […]

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drawdown asset allocation

Using RMDs to Assess Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation Using RMDs Can you use Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) to help determine your asset allocation in the retirement drawdown phase? Imagine you are living off your assets (taking an income from your nest egg). What might your asset […]

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Grandparents Give Money to Grandchildren

Grandparents Gifting Money to Grandkids

How Should Grandparents Give Money to Grandkids? How can grandparents give money to their grandkids? How nice of you to ask! Let’s start with tax-free giving and go from there! How Much Money Can a Grandparent Give a Grandchild Tax-Free? […]

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Narcissistic Post-Separation Abuse by Proxy

Narcissistic Post-Separation Abuse by Proxy

Post-Separation Abuse by Proxy   After divorcing a narcissist, post-separation abuse is common. When the narcissist uses another person to perpetuate the abuse after the relationship ends, it is post-separation abuse by proxy. Since narcissists continue to find supply post-separation, […]

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Roth Ladders

Modeling and Building a Roth Conversion Ladder in Early Retirement Folks get confused when talking about Roth Conversion Ladders, a series of partial Roth IRA conversions, and backdoor Roth IRAs. Here, we are discussing early retirement and trying to access […]

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