Optimal Asset Location
Deep dive into Asset Location Optimization and Tax-Efficient Fund Placement. This is Asset Allocation in Multiple Accounts!
Deep dive into Asset Location Optimization and Tax-Efficient Fund Placement. This is Asset Allocation in Multiple Accounts!
Asset Allocation depends on Risk Tolerance Risk Tolerance and Asset Allocation are tied at the hip and depend on age and recency bias. How you understand risk—and how you balance the stock/bond proportion in your portfolio—is the most important decision […]
Quiet Quitting in Medicine Quiet quitting in medicine is topical, given epidemic levels of burnout in physicians. While burnout is increasingly discussed, quiet quitting in medicine offers a new spin. Though perhaps paradoxical or contradictory, it has nothing to […]
Direct Specialty Care: Which Specialty Will Be Next? As direct primary care (DPC) continues to gain momentum, which medical specialty will be the next to embrace this patient-centered model? DPC’s growing popularity among patients and physicians is causing a shift […]
401a, 403b, and 457b Plans Physicians are high-income professionals who optimally defer income into retirement plans during peak earning years. If you can access a 401a vs 403b vs 457b, you work for the government or a not-for-profit hospital system. Which […]
Go-Go, Slow-Go and No-Go phase of Retirement The “marginal decade,” coined by Dr. Peter Attia, is the last 10 years of life. During this period, physical and cognitive function decline rapidly, and the incidence of chronic diseases increases exponentially. […]
Illusion of Stress: When Minor Issues Become Major Drama Every moment is broadcasted and scrutinized. On social media and traditional media, the world is on fire. The line between genuine stress and the amplification of minor issues blur. Instead […]
Creativity Unleashed: How Producing Memes Can Enhance Your Retirement In early retirement, I prioritize creativity. I’ve got half my life to live without working for money, and creativity always takes on new forms of expression. For 2025, my creative ideas […]
Navigating the Modern Healthcare Landscape Physicians face unique challenges as employees of large hospital systems and healthcare organizations in today’s healthcare environment. While medicine remains a noble calling, the business aspects of healthcare can often overshadow the core mission of […]