Best Bond Alternatives

Alternatives to Bonds

Bond Alternatives People have way too much cash right now. Yet, some fear bonds after what happened in 2022. You need safer assets in your portfolio once you have passed the accumulation phase. Cash has poor long-term returns and is […]

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Tax Rate Arbitrage

Marginal vs Effective – Tax Rate Arbitrage

Tax Rate Arbitrage and Roth Planning Tax rate arbitrage is an important concept in retirement planning. You must understand tax rate arbitrage to buy the government out of your retirement. When should you harvest or accelerate income, and when should […]

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Should you Rebalance After Retirement?

Should You Rebalance Your Portfolio in Retirement?   When you are retired, should you rebalance your portfolio? Of course, it depends on your goals, timeframe, and the purpose of the money. But what evidence supports portfolio rebalancing when retired? I will […]

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How Much Should You Fund a UTMA?

UTMA for Children   A Uniform Transfer Minors Act (UTMA) is the best place to put money from grandparents’ gifts that an older child might better spend. How much should you fund a UTMA? Assume you have 529 college savings […]

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