5 years from retirement asset allocation

Asset Allocation 5 Years From Retirement

Asset Allocation 5 Years From Retirement   What should your asset allocation be five years from retirement? Should you De-Risk your portfolio for retirement? What does a good pre-retirement glidepath look like? Five years from retirement, let’s consider your asset […]

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Retirement Spending Smile

Retirement Spending Smile vs. Lumpy Expenses

Retirement Spending Smile or Lumpy Expenses? Future expenses are a major puzzle in retirement. How much money will you need to spend in the future? You have ‘guaranteed’ lifelong sources of income, such as social security, pensions, and good annuities. […]

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Covert Narcissistic Physicians

Can You Spot the Covert Narcissist in the Hospital?   You can’t throw a stone in the hospital and not hit a narcissist. While narcissism is a common trait in the USA, it is more common in physicians. Your department […]

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shit testing

Narcissistic “Shit Testing”

Narcissistic Boundary Testing   Narcissists frequently use “shit testing” (henceforth Testing) to see if you will be a good source of narcissistic supply. This Testing is not infrequently one of the first red flags you will encounter from an emotionally […]

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50/40/10 investing

Investing: You Can’t Teach Height

The 50/40/10 Rule and Investing   You can’t teach height in basketball. When investing, you need to know how tall you are. Right now, some should not be investing in the stock market. Not that these folks are crazy (or […]

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RIP retirement

Retirement is an Anachronism

RIP Retirement!   RIP Retirement! We only knew you for a century! While retirement has evolved through the decades, there are some common themes: Traditional retirement is anachronistic. No longer does one work for 30-40 years, take a pension for […]

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Yellow Rocking

From Grey Rock to Yellow Rocking

Yellow Rocking the Narcissist in Your Life   Yellow rocking: it’s how you communicate with a narcissist. Based on the grey rock method, it is much more. It is polite—and judgment-proof. The yellow rock method is necessary if you can’t […]

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