Yellow Rocking

From Grey Rock to Yellow Rocking

Yellow Rocking the Narcissist in Your Life   Yellow rocking: it’s how you communicate with a narcissist. Based on the grey rock method, it is much more. It is polite—and judgment-proof. The yellow rock method is necessary if you can’t […]

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4% SWR

What does the 4% Rule look like in action?

The 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate in Action The 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate is back-of-the-envelope retirement planning. It is heavily talked about (and unnecessarily debated), so let’s see what it looks like in action!   The 4% Basics Assume you have […]

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Millennial Wealth

Millennial Wealth vs. The Baby Boomers

At age 35, which generation is better off?   Are millennials worse off than their baby boomer parents were at their age? Both generations have had economic adversity, but what does that data say? Which generation is better off at […]

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A Mortgage is a Negative Bond

Debt is Like a “Negative Bond” A mortgage is like a negative bond, and leverage increases risk. Jonathan Clements describes debt as a “negative bond.” He suggests if you have $100,000 in bonds and $100,000 in debt, your net bond […]

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Bond Tents for Retirement Asset Allocation

Do Bond Tents Beat a 60/40 Portfolio in Retirement?

Bond Tents for Retirement Asset Allocation Bond tents and Rising Equity Glidepaths are styles of glidepaths. Glidepaths describe the modulation of asset allocation before and after retirement. For example, traditional target-date funds decrease the stock percentage to or through retirement […]

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