Managed Futures

Managed Futures

Managed Futures or Trend Following   Managed futures suffer from a branding problem. Just like high yield is better than junk, and private credit is better than hard money, a rebranding will revive managed futures in the next decade. However, […]

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Bullet Bond ETFs

Bullet Bond ETFs

Bullet Bond ETFs   Your asset allocation has risk on one side and safer assets on the other. For instance, a 60/40 portfolio has 60% Stocks and 40% Fixed Income. Different ways of structuring your safer part of the portfolio […]

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Breadth, Momentum, and Asset Allocation Around Retirement

Breadth, Momentum, and Asset Allocation

Breadth, Momentum, and Asset Allocation Around Retirement   Lazy, low-cost, broadly diversified ETF investors are momentum investors in disguise. Cap-weighted ETFs (such as VTI or VOO) use a momentum factor. Since they are cap-weighted, the better a stock does, the […]

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physician early retirement

Early Retirement Plans for Physicians

Physician Early Retirement Plans   Physician early retirement is not a novel idea, but perhaps one that now has a more developed framework. It is an idea whose time has come: take back the keys to your j.o.b. and work […]

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Callan Chart 2024

Callan Chart 2024: Two Decades in Review The Callan Chart is evidence that humans are pattern-seeking animals. From Rorschach tests to stuff seen in clouds, we seek to impose structure and design where there is none. So, too, with investors […]

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real returns

Long-term Real Returns of Stocks, Bonds, and Cash

What are the Long-term REAL Returns?   Everyone is currently worried about inflation, especially those about to retire. A poor Sequence of inflation is a retirement risk and hyperinflation (and deflation) are economy killers. But let’s not be pessimistic! The question […]

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Large Value

Time for Large Cap Value?

Do I need more Large Cap Value? Most people are underweight Large Cap Value in their portfolio. I dived deep into my US equity holdings but am underweighting large value. Is there a large value premium that should have me […]

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‘Identity Bridging’ in Retirement

‘Identity Bridging’ in Retirement Let’s face it—some people are scared to retire. It’s not a matter of what to do with the time; it is a matter of what my identity is in retirement. Who am I once I retire? […]

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money is fungible

Money is Fungible

Fungible and Asset Location Money is Fungible. Fungible is a funky financial term. Fungible means interchangeable. Or substitutable. A dollar bill in D.C. is the same as anywhere else. Indeed, $10 is worth two five-dollar bills or ten one-dollar bills. […]

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