On Being a Pseudo-Physician

On Being a Pseudo-Physician

On Being a Pseudo-Physician   I am a pseudo-physician. There I said it! Being a pseudo-physician is an achievement (because I escaped the chains of usual employment due to financial independence), and I happily receive the award given to pseudo-doctors. […]

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Surviving a Shame Storm

Surviving a Shame Storm

Focus on me being Better Not on me being Bitter You plan on using resiliency to survive a shame storm, but you must survive it every time. After rock bottom, you hurt enough to change, grow, and learn to heal […]

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Doctors Numbing their Emotions

Doctors Numbing their Emotions

We All Numb—and why not numb?   Most doctors “numb” their emotions through overworking. In addition, activities, substances, and other escapes are common. Our go-to numbing technique for physicians is always being busy, including at the hospital. If we stay […]

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