money is fungible

Money is Fungible

Fungible and Asset Location Money is Fungible. Fungible is a funky financial term. Fungible means interchangeable. Or substitutable. A dollar bill in D.C. is the same as anywhere else. Indeed, $10 is worth two five-dollar bills or ten one-dollar bills. […]

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Investing is as “Simple as That”

Investing as Simple as Possible

Investing as Simple as Possible   Investing made as simple as possible: Buy stocks when you have the money Sell when you need the money Simple and easy. But let’s get into the details to determine what you should do. […]

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Short-Term TIPS

TIPS and Duration: Should I buy Short-Term TIPS?

Should I buy short-term TIPS or just a regular TIPS fund?   TIPS, like other governmental bonds, have duration. Duration reflects the investment’s sensitivity to changes in interest rates. Should you buy short-term TIPS or, perhaps,  an intermediate-duration TIPS ETF? […]

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Direct Indexing

DIY Direct Indexing

Direct Indexing or VTSAX?   Is Direct indexing a good option for the average DIY investor? The standard of care is VTSAX (or VTI), a 3-fund portfolio, or 6-10 ETFs for factor investing. When will direct indexing be better than […]

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Structured product Hedge Funds

Structured Product as a “Hedge”

Structured Product as a Hedge Are you being sold structured products as a hedge? What is a structured product, and why should you avoid them? Or, if you are convinced that they do offer downside protection, what do you need […]

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what is a buffer etf

What is a Buffered ETF?

What is a Buffered ETF? What is a Buffered EFT? Buffer or buffered ETFs have been around since about 2018. The idea: you have some downside protection and a chance at growth. Does that sound familiar? Yup, another structured product! […]

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Sartre’s Investment Advice for You

Portfolio Makeover by Jean-Paul Sartre   If you are considering retirement in a couple years, it’s time to prepare your portfolio. While “Portfolio Makeovers” are popular, a superficial change in the appearance of your portfolio is not enough. Jean-Paul Sartre […]

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